TutorialsThe Soundeasy Design GuideJohn Kreskovsky has release a new version of his design guide updated to the latest V13 software. It cost $9.95 USD for a CD to be shipped to you.Music and Design There are also these Macromedia Captivate based tutorialsTheil Small ParametersThis demonstration walks you through the process of hooking up a driver to Soundeasy and measuring the Theil Small Parameters of the driver.Measuring T/S Parameters (Web based online demo) Measuring T/S Parameters (Standalone Flash EXE File) Measuring The Impedance Of A Finished Speaker With SoundeasyThis demonstration walks you through the process of measuring the impedance of a finished loudspeaker using Soundeasy.Measuring Impedance of Finished Speaker (web based online demo Measuring Impedance of Finished Speaker (standalone Flash EXE File Creating the microphone calibration fileThis demonstration walks you through the process of creating a Soundeasy microphone calibration file that you will need when you start using a microphone.Creating Mic Calibration File (Web based online demo) Creating Mic Calibration File (Standalone Flash EXE File) Measuring The Frequency Response Of A Finished Speaker With SoundeasyIn this demonstration, I walk you through the process of measuring the frequency response of a finished loudspeaker using Soundeasy. I use the near and far field measurement technique. Please note my adding of near port and near driver is not accurate in this demonstration. At the time i made this demonstration i was using a cheap USB sound card that was not capturing the low end data accurately. To merge near driver and near port data you must line up the tails of each first then add them. You will see my driver data does not include a good dip like it should at the same frequency as the port peak See this picture Media:nearVentDriver.jpg of theoretical near port and driver to see how the near driver and port should be aligned. See how the peak in the vent measurement is directly over the dip in the driver measurement. Also notice the tails (0Hz - 20Hz) are nice and overlapping. This is what you want to look for when you add near driver and near woofer. Now keep in mind i have never gotten measurements that look perfect like this image. So align the tails as best as you can Measuring The Frequency Response Of A Finished Spea(Web based online demo) Measuring The Frequency Response Of A Finished Spea (Standalone Flash EXE File) Soundeasy DocumenationThe official Soundeasy documentation files are located on Bodzio's web site. They are offered as ZIPed up PDFs for each chapter.Below are links to PDFs that i made from the downloads off of Bodzio's web site. I assembled all the chapters into one PDF. I have found that it makes it easier to search the PDF for key words. The only downfall is the file size is very large.Chapter 1-18 V10 DocumentationChapter_1-18_V10.zip 34 megabytesChapter 1-18 V11 DocumentationChapter_1-18_V11.zip 36 megabytesChapter 1-18 V12 DocumentationChapter_1-18_V12.zip 38 megabytes |