And this is going to be the first crossover that i try. L1 and R2 are there to bring down the baffle step, and L4 R5 C3 are there to knock the 10K bump down. I do want to stress that L4 is VERY sensitive! When i say use a .07 mH inductor i really mean it. I am going to purchase a .10mH inductor and un-wind it to acheive .07mH. I will be using Soundeasy's LCR meter to measure the inductor and verify it is .07mH I made a simple animation of different L4 values to illustrate how much the response changes with different values. The animation goes from .05mH to .10mH. 
Crossover Parts 255-232 .56 18GA inductor 255-202 .10 18GA inductor 004-25 25 Ohm resistor 027-542 3.0uF cap 004-8 8 Ohm resistor